In a blender place cottage cheese, light laughing cow cheese, and sour cream, salt, pepper, minced garlic, pickle juice, and ranch seasoning. I started light because I didn't want to put too much in. I think about 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1/4 teaspoon of pepper, and 2 tablespoons of dry ranch seasoning. Blend thoroughly. Taste and adjust as needed.
Scrape contents into a container and stir in pickles.
Place butter in a skillet to melt, over medium heat.
These are the pork rinds that I used.
Pour pork rinds into the skillet.
Cook for about 20 seconds, add the dried onion flakes and the Parmesan cheese.
Cook for a least a minute, stirring the whole time.
Dot the top of the dip with cooked mixture. Trying to be as even as possible and use a spatula to spread it out.
Serve with desired dips.