Low Carb, Crockpot, Creamy Italian Chicken (with a hidden veggie)
This really easy, low carb, THM S, Italian dinner is delicious! My main goal with this blog is to give...
This really easy, low carb, THM S, Italian dinner is delicious! My main goal with this blog is to give...
Low Carb Grilled Chipotle Chicken Breasts with a delicious avocado salad Do you need a new recipe to add to...
Low Carb, THM S, Indian Spiced Cauliflower Rice, the perfect side I have been needing to find a way to...
Butter chicken, low carb, thm s, made in the crockpot!! This butter chicken was a huge hit. My hubby even...
This taco recipe was so easy!! With only a few ingredients, a crockpot, you have amazing shredded beef tacos. This...
This easy trim healthy mama e dinner was really easy. I ate mine with an xtreme wellness tortilla. My kids...
These trim healthy mama mashed potatoes couldn’t be easier!! Since THM now allows potatoes, these potatoes are made a lot...
These low carb pinwheels are great appetizers. I grew up with my mom making these yummy appetizers for holidays. I...