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August Back to Basics Challenge

Hi. My name is Jennifer, I am a 45 year old mother to 5.  I am a certified trim healthy mama coach and have been eating the thm way for over 6 years. Join me for 21 days where we create habits that will establish a strong foundation for future success. I know what it is like when starting and feeling overwhelmed and not knowing how to even start. I also know what it’s like to “fall off the wagon”. During this group coaching we will work on meal planning, meal prep, understanding the thm fuels and our drinks. We will baby step our way to success.

I will give tips that I utilize to keep me on plan and on track. Besides tips and tricks, it will be broken down like this: The first week we will work on our breakfasts and drinks. The second week we will work on our lunches and snacks. The third and final week we will work on our dinners and desserts. This will be one of those slow and steady wins the race coaching packages. There is no need to jump in with both feet and feel overwhelmed. If you start on day one and stick with it, you will have a strong foundation and momentum to keep you going. Join me and I will help you begin (or restart) you healthy living journey.


Coaching will start on August 5th and will end on August 30th

Click the link to go the product page and purchase the group coaching to get back to basics.

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