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Chocolate Almond Cups

These chocolate almond cups are so good and so good for you!

I wanted to make something that everyone could eat for a Valentine’s dessert. My oldest doesn’t like peanut butter, pretty much the only thing she doesn’t like. I made these chocolate cups with almond butter instead of peanut butter so she could eat them. By the way, she loved them!! I am sure they would taste amazing with peanut butter in place of the almond butter. You can buy all of the ingredients at your local WalMart.

I used powdered swerve as my main sweetener in this recipe.

I really like Swerve sweeteners. They are my general, go to sweeteners. If you don’t have swerve confectioners you can use a granulated sweetener and grind it in your coffee grinder for this recipe. You can use gentle sweet as well but cut back the amount. I melted some 85% chocolate bars from Aldi and used that as the base for the chocolate almond butter. I melted 2 more for a smear on the top as well. These are really high fat and I didn’t want to just keep adding to. You can use more melted bars on top if you would like.

I used these silicone muffin pans but you can use whatever molds you want.

I liked using these pans mostly because of how simple they are to use. The finished product popped out so easy. You can make 12 of the these that are fairly large. If you are wanting a simple low carb chocolate dessert, a half might be enough for you. You don’t have to use organic cacao powder, it has a lot more vitamins and nutrients than regular cocoa powder. My WalMart carries it on the baking isle in the middle with a bunch of other special ingredients. I think it is worth it to buy it but again, use what you have.

Low Carb Chocolate Almond Cups


  • 1/2 C Organic, Unrefined Coconut Oil You can use refined if you want or need to
  • 1/2 C Organic, Cacao Powder
  • 1/2 C Almond Butter
  • 2 Pinches Salt
  • 7 Bars 85% Chocolate Bars 5 Bars of 85% Chocolate, the bars are sold 5 bars in a 4.4 oz Package
  • 1/4-1/3 C Confectioners swerve Adjust the sweetness to your level


  • Spray your molds with non-stick spray.
  • Melt 5 bars in your microwave on 60% power or in a double boiler on the stove.
  • Evenly and carefully divide the melted chocolate to the bottom of your molds. Place in freezer to harden.
  • Put your coconut oil in a small pot over medium heat.
  • Once it has melted. add your cacao powder and whisk well. Remove from heat.
  • Add your sweetener of choice, salt, and almond butter. Whisk well.
  • When ready, carefully divide your chocolate almond butter mixture between your molds and place in the freezer.
  • Once they are frozen, you can melt 2-3 more 85% chocolate bars and carefully smear on top of the frozen chocolate almond butter mixture.
  • Place back in freezer.
  • Once they are frozen, remove from molds and store in your fridge or freezer.

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